29 August 2008

And here we go...

Not sure what or why this is all about..the blogging thing, but apparently some folks find other humans more interesting than themselves...me included. I'm a professional photographer in the Fox Valley area of the Fine State of Wisconsin, I've resided here..originally from the UP of Michigan for over 13 years....AND after a very interesting and emotionally twisted summer..I'm entering fall with a hope for clarity and new challenges. It's my good friend Jenni's Bday..wish I could meet her new guy...giver a hug and hang with them for a bit..I could have..simple plane ticket and a packed overnight bag deal.....but chose to sit in this muck and mire for the time being. Here's a few photos from the days business. Please feel free to comment.
Winek Family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Suck! :)