30 August 2008

Good day today considering...Woke up to hot Coffee and Cigarettes per usual..second night in a real bed after living on my pal's couch or in a tent for the last two months..save for the random hotel room :). Two photo shoots today and things are pretty quiet here on Wisconsin Avenue. The first one was Haily..my lab printer's daughter..I basically shoot her sans gratis because of the awesome job she does concerning my photography printing needs..it's nice to have friends and even better to have people that can wash eachothers backs from time to time. Always keep your friends close...and your bartenders closer..The second is Annabelle. Her family hired me to shoot their first daughter and create a coffee table book last year..I should post some of those pages..I'm in the process of shooting her every month or so to do the same thing for her. Now it's off to run an errand..then to my friend Spike's for a party..He just finished his PHD work and is officially a Doctor...They don't give PHD's to photographers as far as I know...or care! So i'm gonna give myself a raise this coming week and add some hours to my schedule as the Fall season is coming and shit really hits the fan round here as the air gets cooler and the days grow shorter..I can see a new snowboard in my near future.

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